
By cowgirl


Carrie's new foal arrived over the weekend, little Flora. In complete contrast to the other mum, Sparky, who is quite happy for little Foxy Fiona to be fussed and cuddled, Carrie wouldn't even let me take photos over the stable door! I just managed to get a sneaky iPhone shot whilst Flora was having a snack. Mostly I just had blurred shots of Carrie bearing down on me with ears back or swinging her back end round ready to give me a double barrelled kick if I dare go in. Needless to say, I won't be going in!

British summertime has been and gone - the beautiful weather that we've had for all of 48hrs has been replaced by a day of almost constant rain today. Well, at least that saved me some time, not having to water the garden. More time to cuddle Galit, who does seem rather bewildered at being alone now.

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