My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

United Nations

Another great day spent with amazing friends. It was our first full dress rehearsal today and the whole cast looked fantastic in their costumes. As usual we had hours to wait before walking over to the Stadium to perform. It was a hot and sunny day so we all sat out on the grass near Eaton Manor eating our meal packs and chatting. The atmosphere between all the volunteers is great and I have felt so happy and lifted through this whole process. We were told by the crew to move inside quickly when the press circled overhead but I think they already have photos of us by now. Danny Boyle also visited us in the dressing rooms and stayed to sing Happy Birthday to the guide dog in our group.

After about four hours of waiting we finally made our way to the Stadium. It is such a sight to see the thousands of cast members all moving together in our sections. We still had a long wait once we got to the Vom. The kids then arrived and it wasn't long before we walked on to the FOP (Field of play) to perform. It was the first time everything went to plan and worked and it was such a great feeling. We stayed again to watch the WMW and NHS sections which looked even better as we had all the lighting effects in action. It was then a quick change and a walk back through the park to the tube. It always takes me a long time as I keep stopping to take pictures and soak up the feeling.

Riverbank Arena, Olympic Park, London

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