
Another busy one today. The tree fellers(there were 4 actually,and one was a female feller) arrived to take down a couple of big pine trees that were getting too dangerous near the house. The boss was doing the hanging off the tree bit while the others sectioned the bits and chipped the branches.
I spent the day hauling blackie hoggs up to the top hill. Getting on fine until another inter cooler hose blew on the land rover. Had to finish the job using wee brother's land rover which is much older and less road user friendly. Kept me on my toes though.  Took mine to the garage so they could order a new hose. Plus my jeep was still down there waiting for a new starter motor,and sister in law's  Kia was on the ramp getting a new wheel bearing. Going to be an expensive week.
The extra photo shows the final results of all today's chain saw action

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