
By photosbyjon

Day 132 of 366 - Church of St Mary the Virgin!

Today's image was taken in the village of Astley. It is an view of the Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin. A Church dates back on this site for over 700 years. Although the Grade I listed Church you can see today was actually mainly restored from the ruins of a much larger Cathedral like Church between the years 1607 and 1608. The Naive of the current Church is the oldest part which dates back to the Mid 14th century. It is built from local Sandstone.

The photo was taken using the App ExposerGL on my iPhone 6.

First I used Snapseed to crop the image. I then added the Tonal contrast preset, along with boosting the Saturation, contrast, vibrance and warmth of the picture. Next I used Painteresque to add a custom version of the Painteresque 2 preset. I then used DistressedFX to add the Egret overlay and the Charm texture. Finally I used PhotoToaster to add the Recover Highlights preset, the Cross Process FX, a Medium dark vignette. I then added the Canvas texture and the Antique frame.

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