City of Trees: Green on Blue

I have been Civic Centre based all day. Very busy - but inside.

It was a lovely evening when I left. The trees are in new leaf, and that wonderful fresh shade of green before the caterpillars and aphids start nibbling them and they toughen up. A mistle thrush was singing, clear above the traffic, a wistful song I always like. I just love this time of year (even if I miss most of it). 

So I took a few pics of the fresh green lime trees against the blue sky, and have put them into a collage (my new found "skill"). I even put some words across, to turn it into a poster (it is abstract thursday). But they spoil the image, and I like the "natural" colours, so have taken them off. This isn't an abstract, but as the intention was there I'll tag it.

City of Trees ? A  newish campaign to get developers and public authorities to think about planting new trees in our urban environment in Greater Manchester. The Ogilsby Trust has been leading the way, and our Community Forest - Red Rose - is re-branding itself to reflect the new direction. With a few contributions promised today, it's on it's way.

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