Superhero Day

Walking across Albert Square between meetings something seemed to be going on at the front of the Town Hall - a stage under construction, a big screen advertising Superhero Day and sponsored by Key103 and the MEN, large vehicles including one with a big Sky TV logo across it, film cameras being set up .........

What is going on ?

I asked these two young women, who explained that it is all in aid of life threatening and terminally ill children, linked to the "Wish Upon a Star" charity. Five very young children with life threatening illnesses will arrive at 5pm dressed up as their own Superhero. 

I've looked it all up on the website - I've got slightly mixed emotions about it. Terribly sad for the kids and their families, and I love the idea that they get the chance to do something that would otherwise be impossible. But a bit queasy about the media/commercial angle, although I can see it wouldn't work without it. I am just being too precious I suspect ! The kids will have a great day.

And full marks to these two, who are doing their bit.

Oh - and Whoooooop ! On holiday from now !

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