
By mike191435

Well this morning saw me once again with the physio, and it was very difficult............OUCH! OUCH! OUCH!
On my way out, I decided to take a shot of the outside of the building. When we first moved into the area, 16 years ago, this building was in fact a Dominican Convent, as you can probably see from the style and the cross. However, about five years ago, due to a lack of nun's, the convent was sold to the local council, who relocated certain of their offices there (now situated around the cloisters!) and the rest of the building they transformed into a medical centre. Within the walls of this establishment, you can now find anything from a general practitioner, a dentist, an osteopath, a dietician, a psychologist, my physio and a number of quite pretty nurses. It is quite easy to spend the day here, but unfortunately they did not preserve the refectory, so there is nowhere to have a calming cuppa and a 'pain au chocolat' after all the torture!  Have a nice day and thank you for your following.

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