Big Butterfly Count

It's that time again - for the Big Butterfly Count - until August 5th, and with the dreadful weather this year, it's even more important for us to try and do our bit. We can log our sightings and help.

The Big Butterfly Count

I went up to Christian Fields this morning. That's a relatively new nature reserve on the northern ring road of Lichfield, on the site of an ancient battle where a thousand Christians are supposed to have been slaughtered. There is a good range of flowers, both wild and a few buddleias, and I've been lucky in the past with sightings of butterflies.

I saw the first commas of the season. My choice for today's Blip.

Plus gatekeepers, some sort of Skipper, whites, ringlets and meadow browns.

I've just seen that I did an almost identical comma shot and Big Butterfly Count write-up on July 23rd last year !

What sort of skipper is this one ?

Green-veined white ?


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