Temporary relief

Slept late.
Sofa day, headache and feeling really quite sick.

James brought his friend Chris round for a bit. A half hour of random and, at times, silly conversations (bordering on inappropriate ) helped to make me feel a bit better. I love this picture because it's caught James mid laugh.

Watched a National Geographic documentary, filmed on Mt Everest in 2014, called Sherpa. Enlightening and harrowing in parts.

Have only managed non descript food today - rice cakes, smoothies, tea, and a small slice of Vienetta for my throat. I did have a plan to eat some Cajun chicken but when it was ready, I had one mouthful and felt really icky again.

Have now taken some pain meds and I expect I will be asleep before too long.
My post op optimism of Thursday has been replaced with a feeling of annoyance that I feel worse than I did after the hysterectomy 3 years ago.

3 years ago today, Nana died. I know my family all miss her as much as I do. I'd have loved to have rung her today to have a whinge about how shitty I feel and to have her tell me some inappropriate dirty jokes before laughing in that very special laugh she had.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I need to have some energy to support James in some revision ahead of his first exam on Monday.

Thanks for all of your well wishes. I appreciate them, even if I haven't responded personally. Xxx

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