Recovery Day 1

Slept propped up last night.  Not sure it was sleeping - more of a drug induced semi-coma.
Woke to make sure James got up for school and then fell asleep again.
Managed to administer the first anti clotting injection although finding a site that wasn't already bruised was tricky.
Have spent the remainder of the day crashed out on the sofa with occasional trips to the kitchen to get a cup of tea and to make the horrible shoulder pain go (side effect of the carbon dioxide they used to inflate me!). 
Breathing hurts.
My bladder isn't working properly although it is sort of hilarious having to rock backwards and forwards on the loo to have a wee!!!!  
Made appointment to see GP next Friday for post op check.
Exciting day!  Not so much. My arms are going to be chewed off through boredom soon!

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