
By DevonDumpling

'Monsters Inc'

A very long day...we were up at 6am, left just after 7am for our long drive up to Essex to visit Mum. The country lanes through to Tunbridge Wells were fairly quiet(we've found a short cut to the M25 which saves about twenty minutes). Two and a half hour drive to Sible Hedingham and we were there. We don't expect Mum, at 89, to cook us lunch, so I took cold meats, potato salad, avocados and salad. My Mum has always been a great cook, also baked cakes. She hasn't made cakes for a while but 'knocked up' these for us..they made me laugh. I think they have real character and really reminded me of the children's animated Pixar film 'Monsters Inc'. They were so light and tasty. She is fit and well and as bright as a button..

Left her at 6.30 pm this evening to drive home..thank goodness the M25 was not too congested...we were home by 9.30pm....shattered!

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