Embarrassing or .......

....... what !!!!
What a lovely day to have a birthday ... Pentecost ... Happy Birthday " K ", even tho' your celebrations started 2 days ago !!!
So very many photos' to choose from ---- just a few of them !
As a small child growing up, I'm biased, but , what a beauty hey !! Even then she proved to be studious , caring and of course a winner , as she won a prize for the best dressed cowboy/ girl , yeah that my girl.
Then as an 18 year old , a graduate, a daughter, a mother , an auntie and you've got it a camera buff!!!
All these memories , were brought home even more today, the sermon told the story of how we can't necessarily see things but use the results of ..... Electricity for instance, we can't see it , but reap the benefit of it by light , heat , without which cooking and hot water would be much more difficult, yes we depend on it so much.
Like the Holy Spirit we depend on so much even tho' we can't see it ( no matter whether you have a faith or not , he is there and will never fail you ! ). I'm so happy to have a faith I can depend on day by day.
As with my daughters , sometimes
I can't see them but know they care ! I'm so thankful for that . So today " K " it's your day thank you for always being there. xxxx

Happy ..... for the caring I receive.

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