You grew up riding the subways

We made it to NYC in some amazing, organised, chaotic fashion.

One plane journey merged into the second with very little time to contemplate.  A full
Season one of Fear the Walking Dead plus drinks, coffee, meal and snack interruptions filled the seven hours; during which time i never moved!

Getting thru customs and bagged took an hour and then we broke our Uber virginity and took the 278 to downtown Brooklyn with Ricky!

The red brick house is nestled in the middle of a black and jewish community so  very white brits stick out a mile. But its a beautiful apartment. Absolutely lovely!  And fully stocked with drinks, coffees, snacks and toiletries!  Go airb&b!!

A quick toilet and shower stop and onto the subway for a run into Manhattan!  Out at 42nd street and you are in no doubt as t where you are!   You can walk straight for gazing up and around all the time!

Then Himself and Boy met this lovely example of American Entrepreneurship and the tour kind stopped here.  Once we proffered a 'nice tip' she was more
Than happy to stand there and the lads were more than happy to let her!

Seriously tho, i did tear them away and we took in Times Square, broadway, ate in Hells Kitchen, Boy took part in street show /
Pricate extortion executed beautifully and then we headed to Grand Central, took in all its grandeur and beauty and headed back to Brooklyn for a great sleep after 24 houra awake!

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