Nobody Does it Better...
Sunday, Allotment Day!
Saturday was rainy, vair, vair rainy, and we headed to Ikea because since completing the kitchen we have missed Ikea, very much. So we went, and we had Meatballs, and we browsed, and agreed that our kitchen, was far more beautiful than their sample kitchen.
Today, we rose early, (ish), and headed to the allotment. There be weeding to be done.
And Moles to be reckoned with.
We entered quietly, checking our path to our allotment was clear o any of the rebels from Thursday night.
It was a lovely time we had. I weeded. Lots. He built lots. I looked for my flowers which I had planted, and which the moles had dug under.
I found most of them, and was delighted that they were growning. I put them back in safe and sound and waited for them to grow some more.
Allotment Sid gave us some tomatoes, and Alex, pointed us in the direction of pepper plants and Aubergines which had been donated.
We spent a happy three hours pottering away, and talking to other allotment holders and peering into other folks polytunnels to see what was being grown.
We now have - planted and growing: Onions, Potatoes (two varieties) Brussel Sprouts, Raspberrys, Rhubarb, and Strawberries.
And seeded at home, and making great progress : Broad Beans, Runner Beans, Sweet Corn, Cabbages, Cauliflower, Brussels, beetroot, carrots, parsnips, sunflowers, leeks, sweet peas, peonies, and other things that I cannot remember.
And my face is as red as the beetroots we have planted.
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