SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

I'm Batman

Lovely chilled out Sundays are the best.

Great meeting at church this morning, talking about how we focus on the negative when there is so much positive in our lives. It's a very true point when something doesn't go as planned, we start to moan straight away. There has been a few issues shall I say business wise recently that I've really focused on. Thing is, they were small and insignificant compared to the positive, amazing things that gave been going on in the business- fantastic feedback, full courses, new bookings.... Easy to forget sometimes. Are you an elevator up or down person?

We had a good lunch with Steve's brother and one of our friends. Didn't quite go to plan but hope she's forgiven us by now ;) After lunch we went to see the latest Batman at the Showcase cinema in Earley and it was just brilliant. Fantastic story, intriguing characters and ultimate ending! The Showcase is one of my favourite cinemas, very classic, old school posters and great atmosphere. Reminded me of the old cinema we had in Falkirk when I was younger. Titanic days!! It really is a great place, much better than the generic, same old same high street cinemas! This shot is of the pretty high escalator that takes you to the other screens. Pretty cool place.

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