SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

Spending Saturday

This weekend is a free weekend, woo hoo. Only because we were supposed to be in Ireland this weekend for Steve's aunts big birthday party, but had to keep those pennies for other things boo. Have heard from the whole family; they got there safe, drinking Guinness, having a good old craic and taking lots of pictures. Triple boo. Never mind!

Anyway, back to Saturday. It really consisted of a long lie, a run out to get a Starbucks, bumped into one of our photography friends in there, picked up photos for a client and spent the rest of the day sorting out the iMac and the bloody frustrating hard drives. Nothing's ever simple!! Think I'm on the right track now!

I've been lacking in the Blip department as been so busy, but will aim to get it up and in order on Sunday!

Off to bed now after another really late one, invoicing, quoting, printing and burning. All in a days work and loving every minute.

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