Juicy Sunday

Today was a lot about food. The morning was dedicated to experiment with all kinds of vegetable/fruit juices. For inspiration we used a book from Kris Carr

www.kriscarr.com .

For lunch I boiled an entire pulpo (squid) and served it as a slightely warm salad with young potatoes, raw fennel, parsley, coreander and a glass of Bianco Rovere del Ticino.

Long walk in the hills behind us in the afternoon from Meilen to Küsnacht and back by train. Quite some sunny spells coupled with a  cool, sharp wind. The view across the lake towards Uetliberg and Zurich in the extra.

Back home now,, preparing calamary and red peppers for the grill and having a micro brewery beer from Bioggio in Ticino www.officinadellabirra.ch

Still a bit overhelmed by the comments on my blip yesterday :) thank you!

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