Ardeche scene

Off today to the St Melany market and wine tasting. En route (you can see my French is pouring back) and below this little typical Ardechoise view with the clede right next to one of the many small rivers.
The market produced a few more vegetable plants for me to find space for whilst the wine tasting was excellent with about eight local producteurs presenting their wares.
We went for the whites first and then the reds but after about fifteen tastes of white, it was hard for us non aficionados to remember what the first was like. We bravely soldiered on and came away with five cases of a variety of wines. Everyone was hugely sociable and a few quite knowledgeable. Plenty of familiar faces meant we ended up spending over two hours there.
The afternoon was consequentially not as productive as it might have been. The dug area has been extended but is still a frighteningly small proportion of the total area to do.

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