
We had to go to the British Embassy this morning for some assistance with some documents. We have some experience of using British Embassies in different countries as we have lived overseas for eight years now, but today's experience proved a little more difficult than the others that we have encountered.

Lady (who was very pleasant): You can't do that here. You have to go to the Consulate-General.
Us: Okay, no problem. Where is it?
Lady: (Gave us directions) Have you got an appointment?
Us: No
Lady: They won't see you without an appointment.
Us: Ok, how do we make an appointment?
Lady: You have to make an appointment online (she then gave us a piece of paper with the email address and phone number)
Us: Okay, thanks, we'll do that.

Hubby then tried to get online to make an appointment as they are only open in the mornings. It wouldn't work so he phoned the number on the piece of paper.

Hubby: Hi, I'm having difficulty making an appointment online. I'm wondering if you can assist me or if we could just make an appointment over the phone.
Lady No 2: No, you have to make all appointments online.
Hubby: Okay, can you give me some guidance as it doesn't seem to be working properly for me.
Lady No 2: (Checks her online system and realises that it's not actually working) There seems to be a problem at the moment so you'll just have to try later. Goodbye.

It's a lovely warm snuggly feeling knowing that you're being looked after by your Country!

Anyhoo, I'm finally up to date with my blips and promise to catch up with reading other journals soon!

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