The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Bomble sleeping

What's not to love? Sunny afternoon in the cabin with good book, sleeping cat and a great spotted woodpecker making repeated visits to the bird feeder.

Before that I taught aromatherapy. I encountered a "me no like nothing" student. It took me right back to last September in nursery, to a crying, boy who spoke little English and constantly refused food or comfort in exchange for long hours spent Waiting for Mummy. I gained his trust by learning a little of his language and allowing him to pick apples straight from a tree...however, I can't learn every language, and there are no apple trees on the industrial estate. I did what I could, despite the language barrier and the obvious discomfort of the student at having arrived in such a baffling place as this rehab with its incomprehensible rules. I felt his despair and bewilderment was every bit as keen as that of the crying boy, despite the gap in age and experience. Do we all have a crying child on the inside ? I certainly do, but hope that's not all. I can offer only what skills and experiences I have picked up along the way. I can never offer enough to
accommodate every need.

As the Beatles said, Let it Be...

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