On the road

Just over 500 miles travelled in the last thirty-six hours. I wasn't doing the driving on this bit so took the chance to take a shot of Blencathra on the left. We were travelling up to Gran's funeral which all went off very well. Lots of people in the church and at the 'bun fight' afterwards. 98 years and 350 days appropriately marked.

Back down the M6 for a bit of a pit stop at Mum and Dad's and then back on the road to head over to the other side. Not a bad journey at all and a lovely evening for a drive, watching the sun set in the rear view mirror.

I collected Bailey from his favourite people. He was fairly pleased to see me but was perhaps a little put out that I have not marked his second birthday with due pomp. Either that or he really just hasn't missed me at all...

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