
Well that's it - I'm formally getting old.  Varifocals. 

I definitely feel old after today.  The day started okay, though we didn't know that two-thirds of the family wasn't feeling well. 

The chain snapped again on the way up the hill.  I swore a lot, because I had an optician appointment at 9.  Hopped on a bus, then unhopped when I realised it was not any faster than normal buses.  Got in a taxi, spent loads of money on new glasses, got to work.  Sick child in the afternoon, so although I didn't have to pick her up I left a bit early, got on the bus, got the bike, went to the bike shop to arrange to get the bike fixed, then home. 

In the evening:  in the attic demolishing the bit that held up the water tank and started the insulation upgrade.  

The bike track is starting to look very lush. 

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