Family 6

By meganrose

The teen

13 years ago I was lucky enough to give birth to my boy. He took a little while (36 hours, to be precise) to make his entrance, but he has never done a thing slowly since.

Life is full pelt for Callum, but simple too. When I asked him what he would like for his birthday he thought about it for a while and then asked for 'nice deoderant'. When I asked what he wanted to do for the day he requested to go 'Lazerquesting with Daz' and when I asked what he wanted to eat for the day lunch was pancakes and tea was pasta. No frills nor fancy gimmicks, no extravagent requests. I feel I am making a good job of my first born.

Yesterday, when we were talking about what Callum might want to do Farrah announced 'He might want to go pony-riding', 'No, I'm not sure he will want to' said I. 'Well he will definitely want to go Ikea-ing then'. I think I have a little more work to do with my youngest born.

Oh, and not a single person has said I don't look old enough to have a teenager... Hmpf.


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