Strange Kitty!

This morning Minstrel was sitting by the fridge in a shaft of sunlight coming in through the back door. 

I thought he looked sweet there, with the sunlight shining onto him, so I thought I'd take a photo!

It looks like he is behaving oddly here, staring wildly at something and arching his back, but that is not what is really going on!

He is looking up to see where the sound of my camera is coming from, and then he stretched - nothing sinister at all!

In UK it was generally believed that black cats were lucky, but then the American notion of the opposite idea started to take hold. A recent survey showed that younger people in UK believe them to be unlucky and are much less likely to adopt a black cat than one with other colours in their coat.

Of course neither thing is true. They bring no more fortune or misfortune than any other cat. But they do make lovely, fun, happy pets.

And having Minstrel as a pet makes us very fortunate cat-family indeed!

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