The Tree in the Lake (not)

Hold it hold it…It’s not THAT tree. 
It’s another one ‘Cos is been raining and our lake is over full.
I don’t believe I have ever been “over full”  that I can remember…OH yes there was that time with the Ginger Loaf but that’s just the once as The Boss no longer leaves fresh warm stuff within striking distance at the end of the bench.
“Walkies” today (Thanks Barbara W) as the sun was shining and we had a “slot” of opportunity so we did the big loop that included The Sticky Forest and then did 2 trips to the green dump to see my favourite Dump Bloke who thinks I look beautiful but still charges the same.
The contents of the gutters are now gone 3 bins worth and I got to ride “Business Class” as the bark was full of bins and stuff.

Todays extra looks towards Treble Cone Ski field and YES there is a bit of white at last but a lot more will be needed before anyone will be bolting on fence pallings and throwing themselves down hills.


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