
By tpd

I didn't see that coming

I know. A 'photo of a smashed iphone; it's probably up there with 'photos of the Forth Bridge. Apple: it's a lovely looking phone but did you really have to make the front and back out of glass that breaks easily and when it breaks it splinters? Maybe they could add a feature that spits out fishing hooks or something just to make sure you endure some kind of injury. Spring-loaded bolts perhaps?

The day started well enough: pancakes, some reading. +1/2 headed out with a friend for a cycle in the forest behind the house, lunch. Then I got a call from the friend to say +1/2 had crashed and needed picked up.

We all headed up to the forest and found +1/2 no problem. Plenty of gravel rash but more worryingly a bit quiet and only really concerned about her 'phone. Her helmet was cracked over the left temple. Back to the house and sorted +1/2 out with a bath when it became clear that she really couldn't remember anything about the crash. Or indeed the last month. And her short term memory was really short, like 2 minutes or less.

The next few hours featured: an ambulance, some paramedics, A&E, a CT scan and being admitted to PRI.

This is back-blipped, so a spoiler: +1/2 is okay if sore.

Part of the initial assessment was to keep a note of when +1/2 asked a question. This sounds harsh but we spent most of the time laughing; +1/2 would ask a question and then repeat it again two minutes later. Not funny in itself however the questions were: how is my bike? (dunno), who put me in this outfit? (you did), why did I put these clothes on? (you were in a rush, the ambulance was coming), was I in an ambulance? ... and so on.

+1/2 finally got settled into her ward about 10pm and I got kicked out shortly afterwards.

Fortunately we have some fantastic friends close by that helped out looking after the +3s so all I had to do was make sure +1/2 was okay. At least, as okay as she could be.

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