
By tpd

a wee bit better

The +3s were all busy today so once I dropped them off I headed back to the hospital to see +1/2. I arrived just as the consultant was at the nurses' station and the summary was: she seems okay (other than the gravel rash and lack of memory) so could be discharged. Yeah!

Back home, +1/2 sorted herself out, we got some lunch and we managed to watch the tour highlights from yesterday. Great result for Wiggins, Cavendish and all of Team Sky. But what the bloody hell was with the national anthem? Awful, tuneless, warbling, embarrassing nonsense.

The rest of the day was spent doing various domestic bits and pieces, collecting the children, making food, etc.

Hopefully +1/2 will be feeling a bit better tomorrow. Rest and more rest is on the cards I think. Time for a medicinal beer this evening...

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