Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Rained buckets today and although it fined up nicely in the middle of the day, tempting me out for this blip, I got pretty soaked again on the way home.

Anyway, I found this cute little fluffball in the nature reserve.  He's a great tit and I think must have fledged very recently as he did that wonderfully gormless young bird thing of just sitting around instead of flying off in alarm as I crept up close.  There was something else he did which I found strange and fascinating - he tried to kind of lie on the branch, putting his head right down.  It looked at first like he was ill, but I don't think so.  He just wanted to flop back into the nest..

Apart from that it's been a pretty quiet day, which as I felt tired was really rather nice.  Bigger day tomorrow.  Not sure I'm looking forward to it, though I guess it will polish my halo.  More of that in due course.

Many thanks to Cailleach for hosting WildWed

Have a lovely evening, peeps  xx

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