The Icing on the Cake today

Well, as they say 'Man proposes, God disposes', not to mention Mr Muphry and his law getting in on the act.
The extra slow taxi ride to the bus station through impossible traffic congestion and the two delayed Glasgow buses set the scene for some anxiety, but having arrived at Glasgow airport with sighs of relief and climbed aboard our 19 person twin otter plane, we were shattered to hear the co pilot say that the weather in Barra was so bad there was only a 50-50 chance of landing there. They would try their hardest but if it were impossible they would fly on to Benbecula, and yes, you've guessed, that's where we ended up

And so in thick mist and a smirr of rain, we were taken on a tour of the Hebrides- an hour's bus drive through Benbecula, South Uist and Eriskay to the ferry port there, to catch the boat to Barra and a further bus journey to the hotel.

Barra it seems is jinxed as far as His Lordship and I are concerned. Three times we have come to Barra and only once has it been straight forward - the one where we came down overland by bus from Stornoway last year. The year before that the ferry from Oban to Barra had problems and the relief boat pitched us up at Lochboisdale in South Uist at midnight leaving us drive to Eriskay to catch the ferry at 4am.
We seem to have spent an inordinate amount of time in the last three years hanging about at that ferry port.
If the weather on Friday conspires to deny us our beach departure, I might have to untick that box of things to do, and delay dying.

However, today came good. The sun was hot, the wind minimal and with the hiring of a car we managed to circle the island, watching today's plane from Glasgow arriving with the morning papers but no passengers and visiting Vatersay with its glorious beaches and wreckage of a WWII sea plane amongst other things.

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