Dr Jones

By jones

Check Up

I had an appointment at the dentist at 9:30am. I had noticed the other day that the edge of my crown seemed really black so went to check it out. The dentist said it was fine. The heavens opened on my way home.
Bibi spent the morning revising for her RS exam she had after lunch. Jack has been working really hard on past papers. After Bibi left for school, I drove to work to drop off some exam papers. On the way back home I met Sally for a quick cup of tea. Bibi was at home when I got back and she said that the exam had gone well. She and Penny had a dental appointment at 4pm. Penny did a couple of past papers for her PE GCSE which is on Friday. I sent the evening marking exam papers. Nearly finished. 

Today's Exam:
Bibi - Religious Studies Unit 8 GCSE

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