Dr Jones

By jones

Chilling after exams

Both girls had an exam at 9am. Bibi sent me a text later on to say that the Spanish had gone very well. As she had left the house this morning, she had said that she wasn't going to do very  well in her exams this year. Penny called to say that the Chemistry exam was ok. She said she'd answered all the questions but felt that she hadn't put enough detail in. Both girls had been in the same hall and Bibi said that she had looked over at Penny and had seen her scribbling away. Penny went to the 'Fallow Deer' cafe with her mates afterwards and they all ordered a cooked breakfast. Penny found a large piece of plastic in her mouth which seemed to have been inside a sausage. Her friend Saskia complained and Penny didn't have to pay the £10 for the breakfast. 
When I got home from work, both girls were at home, Bibi had Ed with her but he went home shortly before dinner and was replaced with Persia who stayed for tea with us (cooked by Bibi). The dishwasher has stopped working.
Penny is exhausted and tried to sleep on the sofa whilst I popped to the shops but she said that she couldn't sleep. She is not sleeping well at night either and all her muscles are aching. I sent her to bed early.
Ben drove to Pwllheli and will be there all weekend so we will be car-less.
It rained heavily all day today. 

Today's Exams:
Bibi - Spanish As Level
Penny - Chemistry C1 GCSE

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