Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

A Sign?

Shhh.....don't tell anyone, but I am a bear when I feel sick. Now, take Laryngitis, add outside temperatures of 92 degrees (Fahrenheit), being in a car doing errands and such for nearly five hours, and just think what a bear I was today! Add to that the fact that I kept feeling like I was "burning up". Fever? Who knows. I don't have a thermometer in the car!

Soooo....I had no Blip. Bears just don't do photography, donchaknow?? When we got home, I looked up and saw these rays of sunlight filtering through the clouds!

Is it a sign? I hope so. I hope it means I will be all better. Tomorrow! And, I shan't complain any longer! But before I stop complaining, I wish that darn antenna wasn't in this photo! I tried cropping it out, but it just wasn't quite the same.....

(Thankfully, I rarely get sick!)

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