In the one sunny spell of the day, late this afternoon, I saw my first confirmed baby bird of the year (there have been plausible sightings of a baby jay, but I'm not sure about that). The nuthatches have been busily ferrying fat and worms from the table back to this fat little fella, who came direct to the source today. I really must save up for a decent long lens...
Apart from this little sunbeam, a very dull and cold day (well, I was cold in a T-shirt anyway, so I suppose it's all relative) so I figured I'd make the best of a bad job and do tidying and filing. Tomorrow I will mostly be going to the tip with all the things it turns out we have been pointlessly piling in corners. Well, a percentage of them anyway.
Meanwhile, Mr B has had the most boring day in history, and TallGirl has been swimming in a wonderfully warm sea. CarbBoy conceded that the Season One West Wing finale was fairly exciting "that's more my kind of thing" (ie, action rather than clever chat), and I am far too late going to bed for someone with a busy Friday ahead.
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