Tonight was our fête des voisins, and despite the cold temperatures outside it was a festive evening.
Form is that everyone brings food and booze, and everyone shares a bit of everything. My fattoush was roundly enjoyed (not a euphemism) and the slightly experimental caramel blondies were a hit.
Lots of fun chat, a rum tasting, finding out that sherry is not so well known here, and more intimate details about one of TallGirl's friends than I really wanted to know. TallGirl herself retired early to SMS her friends about how tedious parents are. CarbBoy and pals kicked a ball against a wall until 11pm when I finally sent him in.
Earlier, there was a little lounging, a lot of food prep and (alarmingly) the borrowed car wouldn't start (not even power to the dashboard clock), and then suddenly it was fine. Odd. And Mt Ironing has finally been conquered.
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