Walk and Chat

Met up with Nellie of the woods today for a walk  - first we spent 2 hours at mine with Rhubarb tea and toasted malt loaf. Then a walk through the woods and a stop for her to sketch and me to photograph - you can just see her on the right half way down the path! At her house we had mint tea and carrot cake, then Barry came home and we had lunch warming ourselves at the fire! Barry had gone to make some music with a friend - but in fact had spent most of the time discussing politics, we said we'd covered illness and death, the Health system, politics, knitting and gardening! So we rounded off our chatting with a discussion on aging and how women become invisible and men become distinguished! Finally we walked back to the village, in the rain! I had taken a thin rain cover I had bought for an open air  masked ball so wore that - I looked like a cross between the dwarf in Don't Look Now and a blown up smurf! Long gone are the days when I care how I look - plus the fact the hood covered me so well no one could possibly recognise me and i was of the age of invisibility anyway!
There is one stretch of the woods where orchids grow - this year they have gone rampant! All along the pathway and covering the ground above - just like a sea of bluebells - only pink! 
I snoozed away a few hours till it was allotment lock up - I checked my seeds - nothing happening yet - but the rain today and sun yesterday should surely mean it's just a matter of time?

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