River View

As I was up really early I stopped in the village to see this before going up to the allotment. mission today was Gladioli, marigolds and onions! Well i got the first done and there was a lot of weeding and digging up of raspberry runners! Fellow Allotmenteer turned up and we exchanged news and I admired his stonking new gas hob in his shed! I told him about the amazing dancing cockatoos I've been seeing recently -do watch it - it's mate really made me laugh! By the way your watch is wrong and must be on Portugal time as It was only 10 not 11 as you told me! 
Leisurely dash to the hairdressers where he showed me an amazing male catwalk from Marco Marco - oh my those boys can move and work their stuff - look at the heels some of them are wearing! 
Home via the post office to pay in my cheques - some dated last year so doubt they will be accepted! Quick visit from Nellie of The Woods to pick up a poster I'd printed out about the upcoming FunDay she has organised in the village - the one my sister is coming down for to run a craft workshop! I'll be selling clothes ( hopefully! ) and helping in the kitchen! 
More digging on the allotment before chicken bedtime - damn it's just so satisfying getting the couch grass roots out - but such a long, painstaking job! 
I'm not feeling Stepford wife - I'm feeling happy with my organisation and use of my day! 

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