Annie and Chris

By AnnieAndChris

Stanserhorn, Attempt 2

A cloudless sky. Bliss.

We set out to Lucerne following the same road we'd arrived on 2 days ago. It looked totally different today: the rain and heavy cloud of Saturday replaced by glistening sun. We stopped en route at a viewpoint to look at a lake that was an unreal blue colour - like the hue had been tweaked.

Chris went to aid a non-starting Fiat X19 - but without his help we were all impressed to see it bump start itself in reverse down the hill at speed.

In Lucerne we sat and ate lunch dangling our legs over the quay wall; well, we ate most of our lunch - the swans, cygnets, coots, ducks and miscellaneous sparrow-type things ate the rest.

After a wander through this beautiful town, we headed on back to the cabriolet cable car that Adam and I (Annie) had visited on Saturday. This time the view was not hidden by thick cloud - so it had to be today's blip (taken by Chris). We sat up there on sun loungers at 1,800 metres looking across at snowy mountains - it doesn't get much better than that.

Back to the campsite for some body-zorbing, paddling in the lake and card games.

We're on international 3G so will comment on our return to WiFi.

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