Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Sunlight and shade

In the company of ducks..

What is this life? Reaching out to grasp what is fingertips away, searching for the sense of me....sounds like a load of pretentious bollocks.....probably is to some...a life journey for me.

In the peace and quiet of the riverside, with the swaying branches of the tree that guards my solitude casting ever moving shadows, I sit listening to Vaughan Williams. The sublime sound of 'The Lark Ascending' giving me ripples of pleasure and peace down my spine. The sun warming my skin and the gentlest of breezes kissing my closed eyes.

From mountain top to riverside, arid land to crashing waves I search for peace, a sense of me, the truth of it all, what.....and who...I am. Seeking my own validation, my own purpose, my own acceptance and fulfilment. So here I sit, or there, as the case may be, reflecting on this thing called life, wondering at the marvel of it all...watching the Hydrogen and Oxygen molecules gliding past.

From my little hidden spot, aloof and sentinel, I watch, see, feel and love the world around me. Here and now are mine. I hope and wish to have this alive and awake awareness for as much of my days as I can. We all get caught up by the mundane, but to search for the wonderful amidst all the ordinary.....haaa there is the journey!

Another ordinary day.....spent in sunlight and shade...sometimes in the company of Ducks.

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