Friday: Rainy Split

I really didn't take that many photos today so please forgive the average nature of this.

We had a leisurely breakfast in Komiža, before catching the ferry back from Vis to Split. The weather has been a little variable, so the ferry trip of two 1/4 hours was a little choppier than we have previously experienced.

It has been a pretty rainy evening but we were still able to sit out under cover. We had dinner at our favourite hole in the wall restaurant - if truth be told, I'm not entirely sure why we go there. Tonight was fairly typical in that it only had 3 of the 25 advertised items. But what it lacks in food, it makes up for in atmosphere.


I'm not sure if it qualifies as light holiday reading but I finished Dostoyevsky's 'The Idiot' on the ferry. As with so many classic novels, it could have been about 100 pages shorter, but the beginning and the end were great. The main character really was an idiot though - I somehow failed to see his charm.

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