Clifftop sentinel

Funny how when you are down in the Bay, or on the shore, shapes above assume an almost primeval significance.

There was a bay, Porth Loe,  to the west of Porthgwarra, more a cleft in the pink granite, way out near Land's End in West Cornwall I would visit after my hours in the Round House gallery at Sennen, to lie upon a huge block and read to the sound of crashing waves and the falling light of the setting sun. A fence post on the cliff above would catch me out time and time again as a person looking over.

This is a strange nonchalant sculpture or concrete cast of a flower girl with her basket that stands above the bay at St M's, her back to the sea and the eroding cliff. In the shifting sparkle of the midday light she caught my eye again.

And an extra of the Bay, slowly peopling up for peak season.

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