The Darwin Centre: Coccoon

We breakfasted at a local cafe, then walked through Covent Garden to University College, where I studied architecture over 40 years ago. Said hello to Jeremy Bentham (the founder) whose skeleton sits, dressed in his everyday clothes, in the foyer then caught a bus to the Natural History Museum in South Kensington. This part of the museum (the Coccoon) is excellent, we spent ages wandering through and collecting information to download later on little smart cards that they provide for free. I can recommend it to anyone, especially if you have children. Unfortunately we then went through the dinosaur hall which was overcrowded, hot and claustrophobic. I did not enjoy that at all.

Next we got a bus back to Harrods, lunched at a Lebanese restaurant opposite and then wandered round the Harrods food halls. Finally back to collect our cases from H's flat and on to the train down to Sussex, to stay with my sister A. A very busy day!

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