We Found Them!

As you may know, our favourite walk is through the grassy and hilly oak meadows where sheep normally graze during summer. As you may also know, this summer is different. The other day, we found bull calves instead of sheep in the first enclosure, making it not a good idea to walk there any time soon... And we have been unable to locate the sheep with lambs.

Today we went for a nice long walkie in search for them. We had warm and sunny weather, which was surprising since the weather people had promised rain. And right at the end of our walkie, there they were! The lambs were already quite big, but we know that mother sheep are not to be messed with, so we just took pictures and took a different route back home. We are happy they are there, but why oh why have they switched places with soon to be enormous animals? I am a very small dog, and my mum is not comfortable around cattle.

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