Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

British to the bottom of the barrel

Today the weather was generally much nicer than promised, so in the morning I ambled up to the boot sale.  Having gone a couple of weeks ago, I am wondering why I've never blipped much from there at all.  So this summer I may.

Today this guy made me smile to myself.  You can see he's a bit old and vague, but there he is, backed by a white van and ketchup bottles, flanked by a book called The Kings & Queens of England and placing in his Union Jack carrier a dvd from a Cornish comedian called Jethro, who on triumphant form as he explains to a packed Yoevil (sic) audience why getting castrated can cure a headache and what happened when he met a man who could sing the national anthem through his a**e!

Honestly, the Brits, I ask you!  I don't know why we're having a referendum on EU membership, I'm astonished Europe isn't having one on chucking us out!

After that I went out for Sunday lunch and a walk along the Itchen and only got slightly rained on.  How lovely!

Hope your weekend's been brill  xx

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