Fay's Photo Challenge

By Faylm


So getting back to the photo challenge today and the theme is: Lunch

Yesterday's lunch was a good old crisp sandwich (which sometimes is hard to beat) but today we were out for lunch and I had something I haven't had before. So whilst it isn't the best of photos, it is worthy of photographing simply because this was the first time I have had haggis on a pizza!

I could have the basic cheese and tomato pizza with 2 toppings. Out of the list of toppings, the one that caught my eye was haggis. What to go with it though? red onion maybe?...mushroom?..sweetcorn?

However I decided to go for pineapple, thinking the sweetness of the fruit would go well with the slightly spiciness of the haggis.

Said pizza was accompanied with curly fries and coleslaw followed by a piece of millionaire's shortbread washed down with a diet coke.

It was right fine!

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