Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Mother, Daughter and Slipper

Mrs B was out for lunch today along with some friends to celebrate Mrs S's birthday. They all came back to our house and sat out in the garden enjoying the cloudy warmth and a samll refreshment.

Mrs S brought along her 2 Cairn Terriers - Rosie and her four month old pup Holly. After Rosie had shown Holly where the biscuit tin was kept, and both had duly been given a biscuit, they proceeded to run areound the garden chasing each other. Looked like a good blip opportunity, but I hadn't allowed for the speed of the pair of them and the fact they hardly stood still for a second. If they did stop and I pointed the camera at them they just ran off and it all turned into a bit of a game.

The only way I could get close to Holly was to let her chew my slipper, which at least gave me time to rattle off this shot. In order to catch Rosie in this shot I had to use the zoom when she stopped for a minute in a corner of the garden.

It would have been nice to get a shot of them playing together, however I think I will need to practice with my sports setting first!

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