Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Caught The Boat

Some of you may recall that I Missed the Boat last week in my blip of West Loch Tarbert.

However, today we were up early to sail from Kennacraig to Port Askaig and then Colonsay where we planned to cycle round the south of the island. When we arrived at Kennacraig the scene was tranquil with the Cal Mac ferry waiting to take us on our journey.

Once we set sail the view back up the loch was splendid and made all the better by some Cal Mac colour!

Colonsay has to be one of Scotland's hidden gems and is certainly my favourite west coast island. It has an incredible impact on your senses from the sound of the gorse seeds cracking in the sun, through the scent of the magnificent wild flower to the sight of a wide range of birds and those magnificent golden and white sand beaches.

Kiloran Beach has to be one of the finest stretches of golden sand in Scotland and today in the sunshine it was mobbed( well maybe about 30 or so people, but that's a lot busier than when we visited last year!).

The cycling was good although a bit tiring. However Mrs B will need to get in a bit more practice if we are to return next year as she ended upside down in a ditch when she braked too suddenly. I was cycling ahead unaware of what had happened and oblivious to the fact that 2 motorists had stopped to pull her out. With her rucksack on she was stuck like a tortoise on its back. Fortunately, she was uninjured and managed to laugh the incident off.

After a circuit of the island, and an attempt to get to Oronsay that was thwarted by the tide, we retired to the one hotel on he island for a well earned drink before heading for the return ferry. The evening sail through the sound of Jura is as good as a cruise and the views are splendid. As we turned to stop off at Port Askaig the view of the Paps of Jura was quite breathtaking.

By the time we got back to West Loch Tarbert the sun was setting and this just had to be my blip for the day. I did manage a few more shots a quite liked the final one of the day showing the difference between early morning and late evening light on Kennacraig.

All in all it was a another brilliant day out on Colonsay. Apologies for all the links, but I thought some of you might want to share the highlights of our trip!

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