Marsupium Photography

By magi

bridge in calm water

Victoria weekend which I took off as the rest of the family didn't have to work or go to school. We took the bus to East Linton, visited Preston Mill (see extra) and walked along the John Muir Way to Dunbar. The weather was glorious although I am not sure I would have jumped into the water. The kids who did looked well prepared though. The mill is really interesting. Quite cool to see it running and the tour is well worth it. There were lots of orange tip butterflies out and about and I spotted a scorpion fly. I did make a conscious decision to leave the macro lens at home. I will need to go on a bug hunt soon though. As always we were surprised how infrequently the trains run from Dunbar. Well, we did have enough time for dinner. Anyway, we had a great day out. More pics of the walk on flickr.

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