Just a snap of a garden view I like at this time of year.
Chores this morning, then reaching an interim point with a secret thing. The rest of the day was spent doing as much garden work as the showers would allow, which was quite a lot, happily. This afternoon Mr B astonished me by asking if he could dig out for the new terrace. Obviously I was delighted. He got all kitted out in garden work-wear, put the spade in the ground, then decided it was too much work.
So that's back on my list then. He also (quite rightly) pointed out some bits of the garden that are a total tip, so I have relaunched Operation Hide Everything Behind The Shed. (And Operation Don't Let Mr B Back In The Garden).
TallGirl is back tomorrow. And about time too. I'm not sure Spanish hours are suiting her - she could barely string together a sentence tonight when I spoke to her (mind you, swimming in the crystal clear warm sea every day is exhausting....)
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