Ont canal...

Twas a beautiful morning... so I took Chino for a long walk along the canal before work.  Gorgeous blue skies and low rising sun... and juicy dew drops sparkling in the pretty meadows and hedgerow.  And there was a very posh narrowboat meandering along... called Perseus.... had a cocktail bar on board.... I know because I asked!  
I was lurking in the cow parsley here when a jogger tootled past.  And then the morning birdsong was interpreted by a chap on a bike, belting out Dancing Queen from his rucksack..... but that was ok... because it is the second best disco tune evvverrrr .....I think!
A meeting with Mitch and Clare int pub this evening..... I apologise for my lack of comments....I look forward to a blipping good catch up soon! :) xx

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