Relatives Arrive!

To ensure I was ready I actually made a plan of what I had to do and the  time  each task would take - and it worked! Chickens opened, cleaned and shavings burnt in the  Incinerator then home and  beds made, floors washed, bathroom cleaned! Sadly Doris although alive when I left for the allotment was dead when I came home.
So - I was at the station bang on time to meet them! Realising I had bought food for breakfast and dinner but not lunch I stopped at Waitrose and told them to pick up what they wanted. Well - it was as if I had opened Aladdins cave to them! They were totally overwhelmed with the choice and the eldest girl said it was the best thing she had done so far! So once home and all the food consumed we walked into the village for ice-cream - but the parlour is not open mondays or tuesdays so we went to the shop and got ones from there! On the way to the bench by the river I saw my fellow artist from the drawing class and she invited me in to see her new teashop which is opening friday. She has used recycled materials to furnish the place, and made the flower holder in the blip!
After this it was off to the allotment to pick rhubarb for dinner and bury Doris -I know how to give my relatives a good time!!The chickens were admired  and suddenly I realised Felicity was not coming out of the dust bowl to eat the treats and to my horror when I went over to her showed the same symptoms as Doris - unable to stand and falling to one side. Frantic message to Colourful Mai to see if she could take her to the vets and great fear that we have something that is going to eliminate the entire flock - but then all of a sudden she was up, shaking the dust free and coming over for treats. Highly strange and message sent to the coop members to keep an eye on her and the others. So after this drama I buried Doris - which is when something even worse happened - my aunt who is 81, had been sitting up by the shed listening to the bird song, but she then came back down to have a good look at my plot, she admired the rows of potatoes, turned round, lost her footing and fell. It was as if everything went into slow motion watching her fall and hit the ground. Luckily nothing broken and after the initial shock she seemed ok and luckily we had gone up by car so we got her home and cleaned the cut on her chin and eye and smothered it in arnica cream. She then realised she didn't have her glasses and that they must have fallen off in the fall - so up I went again - found them, not broken but one arm all askew and I think thats what caused the cut and bruising under her eye. 
Once back home we all had a gin and tonic and then I made dinner! We  sat in the kitchen and chatted before my aunt and the girls went to bed - then My cousin and I stayed up till 3 catching up on each others news! The final drama was realsing Fat cat had disappeared! I had carried her down from the attic and she had shot through the cats flaps into the garden and sat on the bench, but when I realised many hours later she had not come back in I went out for her - not there! I grabbed a torch not believing the fat lump had actually jumped the fence and left home! Suddenly I heard a piteous miaow and found her hidden behind all the foliage and sat on a the large rose pot at the back! Once back in the kitchen she decided my cousin was no threat and finally had something to eat! 
So ends Day 1! Much drama, much laughter, much chatting and just so good to have them here!

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